Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Feb 23 2025
- Time: 12:00 am - 1:00 am
Live on Zoom
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83518122521
Meeting ID: 83518122521
Passcode: Advaita
The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube. Livechat on YouTube will be off. If you wish to ask a question please join Zoom meeting.
Instructions to attend the Zoom meeting:
- Please turn on your video so as to keep these sessions interactive, just like a real satsang.
- Please use your real name and surname as your profile name. This will help us detect unwanted elements.
- The meeting will be locked after Gautam enters the meeting. No new entries can be made after that.
- Due to security threats, we have disabled the option to unmute yourself.
- If we see any objectionable name/profile-image/video, they will be removed from the meeting.
- If you have any issues with the audio/video please contact the host via chat.
- To ask a question please start your video and click on “Raise Hand” from “Reactions” icon. Please ensure that you are not moving and are in a quiet place. The host will unmute you. You will need to accept being unmuted. Ask your question and once you are satisfied please mute yourself back and let others ask questions.
- During the satsang, chat/video interaction between the participants in disabled. Once Gautam leaves, the meeting will be opened for communication between participants.