Explorations of Advaita teachings through the lens of Siddharameshwar Maharaj. This podcast explores the Guru-disciple relationship, destiny and prayer of gratitude.
An exploration of Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s teaching on illusion, physical devotion and compassion.
Gautam shares Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teaching on Maya – "Beingness is intolerable and yet we love to exist"
In this podcast, Gautam shares passages from Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s teachings on Guru’s grace and non-doership
Gautam highlights the aspect of ‘The poor me’ syndrome and reflects on Ramesh Ji’s advice of "Don’t give advice unless asked for"
Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘The Buddha’s Sword’, narrates a true incident of not being able to live one’s own teaching.
Gautam speaks about Dr. Ram Bhosle and how his life shows that everything in life is predetermined.
Gautam answers a question: What should I tell my child who asks about death?
Gautam Sachdeva is an author of books on the subject of Advaita (non-duality). He writes with a specific focus on peace of mind in daily living.
Gautam Sachdeva speaks and writes on the subject of Advaita (non-duality), with a specific focus on peace of mind in daily living.