Ramesh Balsekar, when asked "Are you my guru?"

Ramesh Balsekar, when asked "Are you my guru?"

Would Could Should

Three words – would, could, should

Siddharameshwar Maharaj – Episode 11

An exploration of Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s teaching on desires, anxiety & enmity

Living in the Past

Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘The Buddha’s Sword’, talks briefly about the similarity between ‘living in the past’ and the ‘fear of the future’.

Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar – Working Mind and Thinking Mind

Gautam Sachdeva takes the seeker through the core concepts of Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar, as outlined in his first book ‘Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar’.

Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar – Destiny

Gautam Sachdeva takes the seeker through the core concepts of Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar, as outlined in his first book ‘Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar’.

Last memories of Ramesh Balsekar

Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar’, shares memories of his last meetings with the Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar.

Nisargadatta Maharaj and the Meditators

Gautam shares an anecdote from Maharaj’s life on the practice of meditation.

Lord Krishna’s Mysterious Ways

Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘The Buddha’s Sword’, narrates a story of Lord Krishna and Arjuna, highlighting our attachment to objects.

Advaita and Joel Goldsmith – Ep.2

Gautam explores Advaita through the lens of Joel Goldsmith. This podcast explores the dimensions of Teacher/teaching and the student.