Explorations of Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s teaching on duality, solitude and seva
Gautam shares four beautiful quotations from Siddarameshwar Maharaj’s teaching. These quotations send home the message of how daily living can become a spiritual sadhana.
Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar’, shares memories of his meeting with the Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar, when Ramesh’s wife passed on
Gautam shares the teaching of Advaita through the lens of Joel Goldsmith. This podcast turns our attention to total acceptance of will of God.
Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘The Buddha’s Sword’, shares one of the funniest anecdotes narrated by Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar.
An exploration of Joel Goldsmith’s teachings on Consciousness & peace of mind in daily living
Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘The End of Separation,’ touches upon aspects of faith in the context of what Advaita masters – Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramesh Balsekar – had to say on the subject.
Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘The End of Separation’, talks of the need for having a clearer understanding of our so-called ‘imperfections’. He then explains us how this renewed understanding can impact and improve our relationships.
Gautam Sachdeva is an author of books on the subject of Advaita (non-duality). He writes with a specific focus on peace of mind in daily living.
Gautam Sachdeva speaks and writes on the subject of Advaita (non-duality), with a specific focus on peace of mind in daily living.