Equanimity in Daily Living

Siddharameshwar Maharaj – Episode 10

An exploration of Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s teaching on having desires, judgements & content of our consciousness, renunciation and Maya.

Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar – Free Will

Gautam Sachdeva takes the seeker through the core concepts of Advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar, as outlined in his first book ‘Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar’.

Siddharameshwar Maharaj – Episode 8

Exploration of Siddharameshwar Maharaj’s teachings on the quest for spiritual growth and getting rid of Maya

Presence of a Living Master

Gautam talks about whether it helps to be in the presence of a living master.

Peace is not an experience

Gautam shares a powerful message : Peace is do not an experience, it is a natural state that is always there. You not need an experience to enjoy the drug of peace of mind in daily living.

You are a human ‘being’, not a human ‘doing’

Gautam reflects on the teaching with a couplet from Gokarknath, words from Nisargadatta Maharaj and examples of Mother and Child

Questions And Answers – Ep.4

Gautam responds to questions on the practice of meditation in Advaita, praying to two Gods and taking decisions without the aggravated sense of doership.

Involvement in a Reaction

Talks on Advaita

Your last prayer on earth: Thank You

Your last prayer on earth: Thank You

Love yourself until it hurts

"Love Your Self – Don’t transact with people so that they make you feel loved."