Book Recommendations

Santosh Sachdeva

Good evening everyone! Today I would like to talk about books written by my mother, Santosh Sachdeva. Her…

Eckhart Tolle

Good evening everyone! Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on the books of Eckhart…

Ramesh Balsekar

Good evening everyone! Today I would like to talk about the books we published of my guru, Rameshji,…

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The first podcast is about Nisargadatta Maharaj’s books, which have been a complete joy and privilege to publish….

#6 SiddhaRameshwarMaharaj.mp3

Good evening everyone!   Today I would like to share with you the books of Siddha Rameshwar Maharaj…

#5 Ramana Maharshi.mp3

Good evening everyone!   Going further into the exploration of books.    Books on Ramana Maharshi’s teachings have…

The Sacred India Tarot

Good evening everyone! Today I would like to share the story about our most ambitious publishing project with…