April 23, 2018
Priya’s reverence for this precious Teaching of Advaita took the form of these poems that arose spontaneously. They are an outpouring of love from the heart.
Beloved Guru speaks—
Let the wind carry you like a leaf
It’s direction, only God knows
which way the divine breeze blows
If you cross other leaves mid-air,
they will bid you well, without a doubt or care
For what went, and what will come
No one the doer, naught to be done
There is no other
All Consciousness is One
He is the here and the now
He stands, bends, and takes a bow
He loves, he fights
He pacifies, he spites
Then whose is this form
If he has been playing,
the moment we were born
to the moment we die
Till I met the Guru,
All along, I was living a lie
A guru loves not just a few
He loves one and all
To big and small,
he is Love and Kindness
His love is not held captive
in ego’s blinkered blindness
Bartered one smiling moment,
to escape the next sour hour
Controlling through games of mind and power
Love is his very fabric,
in the deep hallowed heart
Not a honed skill or a displayed art
It spreads like rose drops scattered through the ether
Unseen yet felt, inhaled, immersed in every soul,
drawing them into the vast whole
A guru teaches by example what Love truly means
A perpetual flow of inner serene
His nature, so pure
Its essence, a universal lure
to scores who’ve known much pain
Searching they reach his feet
where peace is what they gain
Eyes with a gentle glint of the light of Kindness
Heart with the soft beat of the light of Compassion
Hands with the slow dance of the light of poise
Lips with the whisper of Light’s wisdom
pouring forth into endless love,
paused with words and answers
from realms beyond
Ancient truths quench parched seekers
with the pure simplicity of clear spring water
The gaze of understanding, sweeter than the rarest golden honey
Oh Light, your emissary sits before me
as I bow at those precious feet
To teach us to surrender without judgement,
to every being that we meet
Pure effervescent Ananda
with Compassion and Enlightenment
Such is the meaning of peace at the guru’s feet
The joy and inner silence is boundless when we meet
The love, so palpable, yet beyond compare
Few souls have such hearts, limitless and rare
Bursting forth, the wellspring of gratitude
subtly shifts the seekers’ attitude
From sadness, anger, or grief
to acceptance and restful relief
An awareness of the guru’s gyan
seeps into one’s being
Opening the eye of wisdom
that permits a witnessed seeing
contained in that eternal moment
Once tasted, lies no longer dormant
Awakened as his blessing
A prasad by Grace Divine
His heart belongs to all
It is merged with yours and mine
Each particle in the room is peace
wave upon wave of prana
washes over intent listeners
Peace . . . stillness . . .
their breathing has slowed
punctuated by an odd yawn
from sleepless nights,
dodging racing minds
Wrapped in simple nuggets,
wisdom dawns on hidden eyes
Eyes that have been asleep
now opening, watching, resting in the essence
The resistance has dissolved
Each word leads to a beautiful awakening
into . . . peace
The love in the room,
the non-judgement,
the kindness,
the crystal clarity,
the embrace of acceptance
is where the light has
pervaded everything,
leaving dampness clinging
to hearts of glistening dewdrops
Guru, Grace, Gyan
The giver of light and peace
gazes at his own reflection
For any feedback/comments please write to prisingh85@gmail.com
Illustration courtesy, Santosh Sachdeva, Kundalini – the Gentle Force, published by Yogi Impressions
April 23, 2018
March 8, 2024
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